Saturday, August 10, 2013

Week 2: 9 weeks old

We took her to her second puppy kindergarten class and everyone mentioned how much bigger she looked in just one week.  I didn't see it since I'm with her 24/7 but I know one day I will notice the dramatic change in her size despite the fact that I don't want her to grow so fast haha.  I still want to be able to take naps with her on top of me and not feel crushed.  Naps with her are the best, especially when she puts her head underneath my neck.
Sometimes her resting position makes it look like chicken legs.

She likes sleeping near my computer desk

Her favorite chew toy is this pink kong

We had a breakthrough with her potty training.  We left the door to the patio open and in multiple occasions she runs out on her own and pees outside then comes back in.  We follow her out every time so we are able to capture the moment and praise her for it.  She still doesn't know how to let us know she has to pee but she does our job for us by taking herself out haha. 

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