Saturday, August 3, 2013

Week 1: 8 weeks old

The first week with Nala flew by and let me tell you, she is a handful!  Not only does she wake up every 1.5 hours or so at night to pee, but during the day she's having pee accidents left and right.  She does not show any signs that she is about to go, she just stops whatever she's doing and plops down.  So we have learned to take her out every 30 minutes.  We just have to be consistent and patient.  

I'm lucky that I can work on my Masters from home so I have spent every hour of every day with her.  It slows down my progress but I wouldn't trade her for anything in the world.

She can fall asleep just about anywhere as long as it's near me, lol.
We had to put a shower curtain because she was having many pee accidents and she definitely did not like her exercise pen because I wasn't inside it with her. We have to find a way to keep her inside, haha.

We enrolled Nala in a puppy kindergarten class to teach us how to train her and she did so well on her first class.  It was all about getting to know her temperament and the other puppy parents in the class loved her. We hope to see lots of progress in her potty-training and crate-training over the next few weeks because we've been going through a lot of Nature's Miracle Urine Destroyer (I hate our carpeted apartment).

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