Monday, August 26, 2013

Some videos of Nala (week 8-12)

Self-entertainment chasing her own leash
She loved my friend's Alaskan malamute, Avatar.  However, he could not care much for puppies, lol.
After playing in the mud, it was time for a bath
Her second puppy playgroup=chaotic puppies
Note to self: exercise her more before playgroups so we can control her high excitement more successfully 

Week 4: 11-12 weeks old

Today my girl Nala is 3 months old.  She has made lots of progress on her crate training and potty training but she is still a baby that does not sleep through the whole night.  We weighed her two days ago here at home and she was 15 lbs!! Soon I won't be able to carry her for long periods of time without hurting my back, lol.  She still sleeps a lot, it seems to be one of her favorite things to do.  Sometimes we spoil her and let her sleep next to me on the couch or bed (not the whole night of course).
Here she is sleeping next to me on the couch

She's getting so big pretty soon her whole body won't fit comfortably on top of me, lol.  I'm already having to hold her so we won't fall off.

We let her chew on some egg carton and of course she shredded it to pieces (we made sure she wasn't swallowing the pieces)

She loves grass

Figuring out how to get down so she could go play in the water

Her second puppy playgroup was with puppies 12-25 lbs and it went a little better than when she played with the under 12 lb puppies.  The bigger guys were less shy but still not receptive to playing with each other, they were more interested in barking at each other.  As you can see in the picture above, I'm trying to hold her back from two puppies that were "arguing" with each other lol.

A tired puppy is a cute puppy.  Here it looks like she's saying: "mommy, please stop" lol.

And to end her 3 month update, here is a priceless picture of one of her many crazy faces when she's busy chomping on grass.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Week 3: 10 weeks old

I've had my vizsla for 3 weeks now and I couldn't ask for a cuter and more loving puppy (although she can also be a little devil child and annoying at times) :)  I want to say she is 85% potty trained because we only use "nature's miracle urine destroyer" once every other day.  She's sleeping a lot longer through the night, one time up to 5 hours straight!  Sometimes I spoil her and let her sleep on my lap on the couch.

Excuse my pink pajama pants but I love when she's sleeping on me :)

She also likes to curl up on my lap

Her face is the cutest thing to look at

Sleeping on me while I watch Game of Thrones

Sleepy baby

One of her crazy playing poses
We took her to the vet for her second round of vaccinations and she did amazing.  At 10 weeks old, she weighs 12.3lbs! Our baby girl is growing so fast.  I can't wait until she is fully vaccinated so we can start taking her to the dog parks.  

Me training her to sit and stay while I distract her with a treat that I'm placing on the floor.  

We took her hiking but she didn't want to walk for very long so she got carried most of the way haha

We took her to a puppy play group and she was super exuberant and full of energy.  She was playing rough with the other puppies and the trainer was not having it.  This picture pretty much sums it up; Nala is just a blur as she zooms by everybody as we try to catch her.  Part of it is our fault for taking her right after a nap and part of it is because she's a vizsla.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Week 2: 9 weeks old

We took her to her second puppy kindergarten class and everyone mentioned how much bigger she looked in just one week.  I didn't see it since I'm with her 24/7 but I know one day I will notice the dramatic change in her size despite the fact that I don't want her to grow so fast haha.  I still want to be able to take naps with her on top of me and not feel crushed.  Naps with her are the best, especially when she puts her head underneath my neck.
Sometimes her resting position makes it look like chicken legs.

She likes sleeping near my computer desk

Her favorite chew toy is this pink kong

We had a breakthrough with her potty training.  We left the door to the patio open and in multiple occasions she runs out on her own and pees outside then comes back in.  We follow her out every time so we are able to capture the moment and praise her for it.  She still doesn't know how to let us know she has to pee but she does our job for us by taking herself out haha. 

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Week 1: 8 weeks old

The first week with Nala flew by and let me tell you, she is a handful!  Not only does she wake up every 1.5 hours or so at night to pee, but during the day she's having pee accidents left and right.  She does not show any signs that she is about to go, she just stops whatever she's doing and plops down.  So we have learned to take her out every 30 minutes.  We just have to be consistent and patient.  

I'm lucky that I can work on my Masters from home so I have spent every hour of every day with her.  It slows down my progress but I wouldn't trade her for anything in the world.

She can fall asleep just about anywhere as long as it's near me, lol.
We had to put a shower curtain because she was having many pee accidents and she definitely did not like her exercise pen because I wasn't inside it with her. We have to find a way to keep her inside, haha.

We enrolled Nala in a puppy kindergarten class to teach us how to train her and she did so well on her first class.  It was all about getting to know her temperament and the other puppy parents in the class loved her. We hope to see lots of progress in her potty-training and crate-training over the next few weeks because we've been going through a lot of Nature's Miracle Urine Destroyer (I hate our carpeted apartment).