Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Play and Sleep=Nala's life so far

Now that she is officially 3 months old, we've gotten to see her personality come out more and that has only made us love her more.  She is 95% potty trained; not 100% because we have yet to see what she does when we close the door to the patio, she could have an accident or run to the door to let us know she has to go outside (we'll be training her to use a bell at the door).  I was a fairly clean person before I got her, but now that she's here, she's made me be more conscious about keeping things tidy.  She has made a game out of running into my walk-in closet and picking up any piece of clothing that may be lying on the floor and run out with it.  She knows we'll chase her to take it away but even though it is so cute when she does this, we have to stop it from becoming her favorite thing to do.   

She has three more training classes left before she takes her Good Puppy Star Test.  I think she will pass it because we've had several short successful training sessions where she sits, down, stays, heels, and come when called.  On the puppy playgroup front, she still has trouble reading other dog's body language; she still assumes every other dog wants to play with her but it's not the case so far..

I don't know how she thought my laptop was a comfortable pillow; Needless to say, this is why I don't get any work done

She loves my sherpa throw
At a dog park, she is the only dog still on a leash because we don't trust the other dogs so we want to be able to quickly pull her out of any trouble

At the dog park, the dog owners seemed to be more willing to play with Nala than the dogs, lol 
I have to hold her like a baby when we are out and about because the busy street noises frighten her, plus she was really sleepy from being out all morning

the most awkward sleeping position ever; on the floor of my backseat of the car, lol
just plain cute
She pushed me off my side of the bed, lol

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