Thursday, September 5, 2013

Nala's puppy playgroup "progress"

We get put into the "Socialization Station" when we need to regroup with our rowdy puppy and calm her down before she can go back out and play with the puppies.  We end up here a lot :(  We have two more puppy playgroups left on our punch card so we'll have to re-evaluate after to see if it's worth going back.  So far we don't think she is getting a lot out of them because she is too excited and none of the puppies want to play with her.  We've tried everything, even keeping her awake for 3 hours straight so that she is tired by the time we go, but as soon as she sees a puppy, the tiredness goes away.  I think she needs to learn how to read another dog's body language so she knows which dogs are not interested instead of annoying them.

All curled up on the small cushion (not dog pillow).  Ignore her ribs on the right picture, Vizslas are supposed to be lean dogs.  She already weighs around 17lbs!

I can't wait until the day she doesn't fit under the couch anymore.  For some reason she loves taking a toy under there and playing.  And for some reason an empty water bottle is her favorite toy, instead of the other toys we actually paid for, lol.  The picture on the right is when she was crawling out as I enticed her with a squeaky toy.

Her paws look so big in this picture. 
Just chilling in the car while we wait for the puppy's "daddy" to get off the Max from work.

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