Tuesday, February 3, 2015



Yes, that is my Vizsla using a pillow and blanket like a human while watching TV.

Kona licking her sister

Xmas time!! Their aunt Karen gave each of my dogs their own stocking full of treats and toys, needless to say, the toys did not last very long with these two as they immediately started playing tug of war.

Sorry for the graphic pictures, but this is what happens when you have two exuberant puppies.  They were running so fast and wrestling that my vizsla bumped my lab so hard that the lab's legs buckled under her as she was running, so her front legs skidded along some sharp rocks.  And all this happened within 5 minutes of getting to the park.  Fortunately, Kona did not need stitches and went home from the urgent care with just antibiotics and pain killers.

 New year and all my pups want to do is sleep.  It might be bc they go to daycare almost everyday, lol

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