Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Going back almost 6 months

On December 3rd, she will be 6 months old and it's crazy to think we have had her for more than half her life.  I don't think I mentioned the details of how we "picked" her out from a litter of 11 on my first post so I will talk about it now.  "Picking" our little puppy was far from what I thought it was going to be, meaning it was stressful, anxious, and even heartbreaking.  We had the 4th pick of the 5 females available so when it came our turn to pick between the last two, we weren't expecting the breeder to tell us that the last two girls had some form of defects for lack of a better word.  One little girl, called Red because she had a red collar, was apparently the runt of the litter and she looked as cute as can be.  However, the breeder told us she was born with a dislocated bone in one of her front feet so it looked like the bone was poking out.  The breeder said she would probably not be able to run so that was devastating news for me, since the main reason I wanted a Vizsla was because they are great running partners.
Red collar girl, you can't see in this pic, but the foot that is in the front is the one with the dislocated bone.

The last girl, Purple, was apparently a rambunctious puppy.  At only 4 weeks old, she tried to steal the bone from her mom and her mom ended up biting her right below her left eye.  In the process of getting bit, Purple bit down on her own tongue and essentially cut off a piece of it.  The pictures the breeder sent us showed Purple with an inflamed snout and half closed eye so our fear was that she was going to be partially blind or get an infection.  So now you can see why I was heartbroken with this news.  Thankfully, the breeder allowed extra time to make such an important decision and promised us updates from the vet to see how Purple healed.
At 4 weeks old, Purple had such an inflamed snout she could barely open her eye

This is Purple collar girl, at 6 weeks the inflammation had already gone down :)

So at about 6 weeks after being born, we asked the breeder to show us an updated picture of Purple, and she looked significantly better.  The vet had given her antibiotics and stitched her tongue.  The breeder had Purple feed separately from her siblings and she said she had a normal appetite and was still her rambunctious self again.  So with no more apprehension, we told the breeder we wanted Purple and from that day she became Nala.  And for more good news, Red was given to a friend of the breeder who happened to be a vet so she would have the best care possible for her leg; she was named Ruby and lives in Indiana or Idaho, I forgot.

At almost 6 months old now, she's growing up to be a close to perfect dog (I might be a little biased, lol).  It was a coincidence that when she lived with the breeder she was given a purple collar and when she came to live with us, we chose to buy her a purple collar and purple dog bed because it's one of my favorite colors, so it's meant to be.