Monday, October 7, 2013

4 months old and still getting into trouble

We've met several adult vizsla's at the dog parks and the owners say they never lose their craziness. I guess we are in for an adventure, lol, but I still wouldn't trade her for any other breed.  I'm just anxiously waiting till she's one year old so I can start doing long runs with her.  The longest I've ever run by myself without stopping is 6miles and I think she's going to be my motivator to one day do a half marathon and eventually a full marathon.  But as a puppy, I can't start running with her because it will cause problems with her bones and joints since she is still growing.  So until then, the only exercise she gets is when she runs at the dog park with her own kind.

After giving her a bath, she earned the right to be on my bed and sleep with me.

She got bit by some small dog at the dog park.  I knew that little dog that bit her was a problem dog because the owner was yelling at it and picking it up by the forearms or collar (I thought she was going to dislocate something) and the little dog looked nervous and angry at the same time.  And of course here comes Nala thinking every dog wants to play with her and as she ran past her that little dog got her teeth sunk into Nala's snout.  All I heard was Nala yelping and run away, the owner of the other dog didn't even say anything to us.  I think Nala's nickname is going to be scar face since she has a bites everywhere, including under her right eye from when she was just 4 weeks old, already getting into trouble.

The last days of working on my Masters, she still wanted to be on my lap while I worked.

You can see her snake tongue, lol.  She bit it when she was 4 weeks old when her mom bit her under her right eye for trying to steal her bone.

This is from last weeks puppy training class.  We got her diploma! We are proud parents.

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