Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Nala Feb-now

I know I haven't updated the blog since Feb, but instead of wasting time explaining/giving excuses, let me catch you up on Nala's life. Let's start with the most recent and go back to where I left off in Feb.

hiking the 5 mile King Mountain

            King Mountain                  Hiking the 4.8 mile Cape Lookout   Hiking the 7 mile Dog Mountain

The past three weekends, we have gone hiking with Nala all over Oregon: the coast, the Columbia River Gorge, and Tillamook Forest.  There are a million more hikes to explore in Oregon, well not a million but enough to keep us busy for a year at least.  She loves hiking, even the strenuous, steep mountains.  That's one way to semi tire her out, lol.

                             LOUNGING ON HER NEW COT

Nala turned 1 year old on June 3, 2014 and she got pampered.  I took her to a doggy daycare/spa where she got to play with dogs all day and get one-on-one attention from people too.  She also got many presents, this cot being one of them.  Needless to say, she loves it.

 From all the time she spends at daycare, our vet believed she got the canine papilloma virus from daycare.  The link has information about it, if you're curious, and no, it's not contagious for humans.  After about 2 months, it is almost gone.  It went from tiny little pimple-like bump to huge cauliflower-looking wart.  It got so big that it eventually popped but a little piece was left behind.  Overall, it's healing at it's own pace.
                                       SKIN ALLERGIES

Nala also suffered some skin allergies.  In the picture above, you can kinda see bumps on her back which looked like she has her fur raised.  We did a process of elimination with her diet and figured out she was allergic to wheat/grain.  We always fed her grain-free kibble and treats but one day we decided to get the cheaper treats which all have some form of grain and sure enough, as soon as we took it away, her allergies were gone.


We signed her up for a race in Portland that benefits dogs in shelters, sponsored by the Oregon Humane Society.  She had so much fun running with hundreds of dogs and their owners.

                             DOG PARK SHENANIGANS

So in a nutshell, Nala has experienced A LOT since my last blog post, from all sorts of diseases to turning the big 1-year old!!  Can't wait for more adventures with her...